Rhai sylwadau am fywyd a phethau eraill gan dderwydd o Aberystwyth, Ceredigion.
I'm a Celtic druid from Aberystwyth, Wales and my blog is entirely in Welsh. Thanks for visiting.


Gwleidyddion yr Alban ac eraill yn danto gyda'u papurau newydd

Cwyno am ddiffyg newyddiaduron a newyddiadurwyr i drafod gwleidyddiaeth yng Ngymru fydda i fel arfer. Gan gredu y buasai mwy ohonynt yn gwella safon ein gwleidyddiaeth yn gyffredinol ac yn gwneud ein llywodraeth yn fwy atebol. Ond nid yw hynny'n wir o angenreidrwydd wrth ystyried profiad yr Alban. Yn Media Guardian mae 'na erthygl o dan y teitl Blood on the tartan carpet sy'n cychwyn, 'Scottish parliamentarians are angry that the country's newspapers spend more time and resources on stories about process - and scandal - than policy.' Mae'n mynd ymlaen:
Six years ago, editors in Scotland and London responded to the new parliament by dramatically increasing their political staff. Papers with one correspondent suddenly needed two or three. Once the parliament met, old hands from Westminster encouraged a pack mentality. "People expected it to be constantly sexy, exciting, glamorous and noisy and, of course, it isn't," says Iain Martin, who covered the early years and now edits Scotland on Sunday. "It's a devolved parliament serving something over five million people. That quickly led to there being a lot of bored journalists around who quickly turned into attack dogs."

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